Joe and Liz Dowd – flying high again … with love and courage!

We usually only feature women in our section dedicated to people who are an inspiration. But this week we are not only making an exception and featuring a man but a really very special couple – Joe and Liz Dowd from Brentford (UK).
Joe, 47, recently took his first flight in three years after a brain aneurysm left him unable to fly. As a man who was very well-travelled and had been living across the globe in Australia – travel and flying were part of the fabric of his and Liz’s life.
Yet Joe has faced a long and grueling battle to slowly find the physical, mental and emotional strength to transcend the restrictions of his health challenges and step by step he is getting stronger.
His devoted wife Liz and his many wonderful family in the UK and Ireland, as well as dear friends, have all rallied round to support him on his road to recovery.
Liz heard about British Airways’ ‘BA Magic’ campaign – which offers a magical experience for those who deserve a surprise. She knew Joe certainly deserved a the chance to fly again but she would need some help.
Liz wrote a heartfelt letter to the airline to share Joe’s story and a plan was put in place to take him on a very special trip to Dublin (where he has much loved family).
The journey was one to remember, filled with a few surprises along the way including being whisked off to Heathrow in a Rolls Royce Phantom, a montage of well-wishes from family and friends, as well as reaching his dream of becoming a pilot with a tour of the flight deck with Captain Ben Collins.
But that wasn’t all, Joe was invited for a day at BA’s flight simulator with his sporting hero Chris Froome.
Nice work Liz and congratulations Joe – you, your family and British Airways are all stars!
Find out more about British Airways’ BA Magic here: #BAmagic