You can replicate  ol Donyo Lodge Great Plains Renewal treatment from the comfort of home:

The signature Great Plains Renewal treatment is all about taking the time to reflect, release and cleanse to feel renewed. The philosophy behind this treatment is to shed the old stuff. Old skin, old ideas, beliefs, fears and habits to make space for the new. We want to bring this signature treatment to your home across the world with a touch of Kenya and its tranquil wilderness.

You will need:

  • Herbal tea (ideally ginger – ginger is emotionally warming, uplifting, relieves mental exhaustion. ‘The oil of empowerment’ – ginger lights the inner fire.)
  • Paper and pencil
  • A bowl of water
  • Body brush
  • Exfoliating scrub
  • Body butter/ moisturizer
  • Essential oils – Kenya local oils are geranium, eucalyptus and Frankincense
  • Candle
  • Towel
  • Dressing gown (you can also use a towel)


  • Make a soothing mug of herbal tea (chamomile or mint etc).
  • Set out a small piece of paper and a pencil (this will be to write out what you are wanting to cleanse and release through the treatment).
  • Prepare the space with a candle, essential oil, towel, body brush, exfoliator and body butter/ moisturizer.
  • You will also need a towel that you will wet with warm water to wipe off the body scrub.


  1. Take a hot shower or a bath.
  2. Sit in a dressing gown or towel with your cup of herbal tea and reflect on the past year/ few months and write out on the paper what you would like to release and leave behind, to ‘shed’. It could be an emotion, a behavior type, a fear etc.
  3. Once you have finished writing down what you hope to shed, rip up the paper into small pieces and put in the bowl of water.
  4. Take a deep breath as you watch the pieces disintegrate into the water.
  5. Put a few drops of essential oil into your palms, rub them together, close your eyes and breath in the oils with another deep breath.
  6. Take your body brush and brush your body in a circular motion starting with the feet. Work up slowly brushing your legs and abdomen and chest and finally your arms ending with your hands. Nothing should be rushed.
  7. Take a healthy amount of exfoliating scrub with your hands and massage slowly into your body in sections. Start with your feet and your legs and wipe off with a towel soaked in warm water. Each time you wipe off the scrub you are wiping away the past.
  8. Massage scrub into your abdomen and chest and gently wipe off with warm soaked towel.
  9. Finally scrub your arms and wipe off with warm soaked towel.
  10. Take a few deep breaths with your eyes closed.
  11. Take your body butter and slowly massage your body starting with your feet. Massage the butter slowly starting with your feet and working up your legs, abdomen, chest and arms.
  12. Take some more essential oils in your palms and rub them together and take 3 slow deep breaths.
  13. Write on a piece of paper what you would like to take forward. Perhaps a new behavior, a new sense of strength etc. Fold this neatly and store it safe to come back to when needed.
  14. Write a single word that you would like to become embedded in your daily life going forward (love, courage, kindness, peace, strength etc). Put this paper somewhere you can see it every day (on the fridge, beside your bed, as the wallpaper of your phone etc) to start the day with this as your intention.

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